
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Guide to Peru

is located in South America just under the Equator. Back in time it was very extensive, part of Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and even Chile. It was called " Tahuantinsuyo" which is a Quechua term "Tahua" means: four and "Suyo" means: state. Peru is one of the oldest empires of the American continent, it goes back to the year 1200 A.C. The old Peru or Tahuantinsuyo was about 3'000,000 Km2 of land and 5000 Km (3,107 miles ) of Pacific Ocean, which current represents the double of the Peruvian area.
Generally, it is pretty safe and relatively easy to travel around by yourself in Peru. There are buses, planes, taxis etc. all over the country as well as hotels of all categories. There are all kinds of travelers and tourists around and it will be easy to meet other people and have a great trip full of adventure, culture and new friends.


Anonymous said...

cool have you climbed machu picchu?

Patricia Rivera said...

Yes girlrobot I have climb Machupicchu, the Huascaran and else.

Bill Holcombe said...

The pictures are picturesque. I once worked with a guy from Lima.
He also dated a friend of mine.I've
alway wanted to go to Buenos Aires.
Perhaps one day I can travel to both.

tdean said...

Thank you for the information you have provided. This is very helpful in my search. Keep up the good work.

jonezy said...

Good job!!! Nice blog!

Unknown said...

Me gustaria conocer el Machu Pichu.
Soy CHilena mi gata se llama Luna y eres bienvenida en mi BLog
Have a nice Tuesday!

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Nikki said...

very nice blog about traveling to peru. I'AM READY TO GO!!! GREAT WORK